Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Harper Court Survey on Priorities for Redevelopment!

Please take 5 minutes to take this survey
Harper Court Survey on Priorities for Redevelopment:

Monday, February 18, 2008

Hyde Park Majority needs your help!

Interested in the issues we are discussing? Want to get involved? Volunteer to become part of the writing team or suggest issues for discussion. We welcome your thoughts including comments on how our petitions are drafted. Please contact us at hydeparkmajority@gmail.com

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Interesting Piece on the ills of Parking requirments

for the article "We paved paradise"

This is a short (4 page) article giving a good overview of the history of parking requirments and the horrible ramifications of continuing in the path of requiring parking and providing free parking, in terms of cost, environment, and sprawl.

I am about to update the petition about the McMoble site, putting this link into it.

Friday, February 1, 2008


Welcome to the site! This site allows you to express your options on a issue by issue basis (a la cart petitioning) We will try to keep them short and simple. So please take a moment to look at the petitions. Thanks for your time!